In the world there are many people who want to get a loan that they want to use to improve their well-being, training, business development. But one desire to get a loan here is not enough. When obtaining a loan, various difficulties can arise. For example, for small businesses, financial institutions may refuse to obtain a loan because of their high risk. When visiting various financial institutions you can not get a loan immediately, your request will first be considered. Consideration of an application in a loan for business can be delayed for a fairly long time and do not forget that the answer can be negative. Do not forget that when you issue a loan, the interest rate can be quite high. The interest rate on a loan can be influenced by many factors. So for example, as a rule, if you take a loan with a mortgage, the interest rate will be less than without collateral. If we look at the world scale, the interest rate on loans in different countries is relatively high.
In order to avoid all problems in obtaining a loan, use the decentralized platform of The Deal Coin. The use of blocking technology on the platform of The Deal Coin provides for the security of all transactions and protection from fraud, anonymity, transparency, and automation of operations in lending. For security on the platform, investors and borrowers will undergo personal verification. The use of blocking technology on the platform The Deal Coin allows you to automatically record all transactions between the lender and the borrower in a decentralized register. The Deal Coin platform ( bitcointalk) works on a global scale and it can be used by lenders and borrowers around the world. Borrowers will be able to get cheaper loans, and lenders will receive higher profits. All this is connected with the fact that the platform of The Deal Coin is self-regulated and this excludes intermediaries between creditors and borrowers.
The platform of The Deal Coin will use two crypto-currencies: DLSD token and The Deal Coin. The DLSD token will only be used on the platform of The Deal Coin https://wefundanydeal.io/ for performing lending transactions between the lender and the borrower. The Deal Coin is an external crypto currency. Token DLSD and Deal Coin will have a mutual exchange. Owners of DLSD tokens will be able to exchange them for Deal Coin, and Deal Coin can be freely sold on the external crypto exchange.
At the moment, Pre Sale is held for the sale of Deal Coin. Buy Deal Coin for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Fiat. I want to note that the minimum amount of sales (Soft Cap) of 5 million passed, at the moment already sold Deal Coin for $ 15,444,272. The maximum amount of fees is 50 million dollars. When buying Deal Coin, there is a bonus system.

The platform of The Deal Coin will use two crypto-currencies: DLSD token and The Deal Coin. The DLSD token will only be used on the platform of The Deal Coin https://wefundanydeal.io/ for performing lending transactions between the lender and the borrower. The Deal Coin is an external crypto currency. Token DLSD and Deal Coin will have a mutual exchange. Owners of DLSD tokens will be able to exchange them for Deal Coin, and Deal Coin can be freely sold on the external crypto exchange.
At the moment, Pre Sale is held for the sale of Deal Coin. Buy Deal Coin for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Fiat. I want to note that the minimum amount of sales (Soft Cap) of 5 million passed, at the moment already sold Deal Coin for $ 15,444,272. The maximum amount of fees is 50 million dollars. When buying Deal Coin, there is a bonus system.

Official links:
Official website - https://wefundanydeal.io/
Bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3041085.0
Whitepaper - https://thedealcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Deal-Coin- Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wefundanydeal
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9e4PummUYeS23YFoYz059Q
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wefundanydealcom-949135491807193/
Telegram - https: / /t.me/thedealcoin
Medium - https://medium.com/@TheDealCoin
Bitcointalk - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3041085.0
Whitepaper - https://thedealcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Deal-Coin- Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter - https://twitter.com/wefundanydeal
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9e4PummUYeS23YFoYz059Q
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/wefundanydealcom-949135491807193/
Telegram - https: / /t.me/thedealcoin
Medium - https://medium.com/@TheDealCoin
Authors: YarisRiyadi1st
My Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1756824;sa=summary
My ETH: 0x8B1820FB5829696cA5b595d09dF4e0F5757a97A7
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