Zenodys is a decentralized and market-driven development framework, supported by blockchain technology, enabling anyone to build and sell high-quality digital assets.
Zenodys is building a decentralized end-to-end development framework and the P2P market for digital assets built in Ethereum blockchain - enabling anyone, from coders to business professionals, to build digital assets quickly and cost-effectively while compiling and building billions from they. to make the world truly digital and automated, for the benefit of everyone. All these digital assets are immediately prepared and are available in standard form through a distributed network and can therefore be reused and reconfigured, virtually unlimited.
The technology at the heart of the platform is Zenodys advanced visual development tool, which radically simplifies the development process by allowing anyone to join. The smart-based contract market facilitates the collaboration and strength of the crowd, and provides a fair monetization. Utilizing our core technology, visual development tools ensure the standardization, reusability and interoperability of digital assets throughout the value chain. People can easily connect and build other people's digital assets. Furthermore, each time a digital asset is used, either in isolation or as part of another project, the authors are rewarded for their contribution.
The digital assets developed on the Zenodys platform benefit from significant cost reductions, data fragmentation, and significant development time improving interoperability, enabling the AI-sourced crowd, digital twin, IoT, machine learning, and 4.0 industry projects to deliver more efficiently. Unlike other ICO events, Zenodys core technology has been developed and produced over the past three years, strengthening global brands such as Alliander, Festo, RWE, and KPMG.
Zenodys is a market-driven and market-driven framework, supported by blockchain technology, enabling anyone to build and sell high-quality digital assets. Projects built using visual development tools, and stored and run on decentralized networks. This standard approach reduces fragmentation, improves interoperability and allows integrated data sets to form. Once built, assets are stored and stored in a decentralized market, where users can exchange them and put them into other projects. The smart contract allows the author (s) of digital assets to be assessed at each stage of the value chain. Because digital assets are inserted and built into different projects, the exchange tokens are distributed to all authors along the value chain, consistent with its contribution to the overall asset. This provides an incentive for the community to create a reusable visual code block that can be operated and used in multiple projects. Providing a seamless user experience (UX) is, in addition to the advanced technology, the Zenodys team's main focus. Our goal is to make it as simple as possible and to allow users with no technical skills to perform demanding technical operations.
The process is simple:
- Digital asset sellers issue assets in the market and set their prices.
- Users (developers, business developers, etc.) Can then combine these assets with others in their apps using the drag-and-drop interface.
- Buyers buy assets. Token will be distributed after end users access and purchase digital assets from the market. Upon purchase, the intelligent contract distributes the Token to the author (s) of the digital asset in real time. Digital assets come in the form of visual scripts (blocks) that determine how digital assets are transformed into digital assets and how assets are collected, processed, standardized and stored in decentralized networks. The visual block simplifies the collection of content from any digital or physical source (legacy and IoT devices, files, apps, services, and other sources) with just a few clicks. A supported AI system helps users find visual blocks that match their assets. Once an asset is changed to a standard asset, the user issues an asset on the market. Once published, each asset is automatically hashed, ensuring that assets can not be changed without consent, guaranteeing that digital assets are delivered exactly as advertised. The import mechanisms supported by AI ensure that digital assets are standardized, meaning that they can be linked, used with other digital assets and incorporated into the application. In addition, the tightly integrated AI system makes it easy to match sellers and buyers. The AI system also handles automatic recommendations from visual blocks, allowing users to quickly collect, build, or send digital assets. Because digital assets are inserted and built on various projects, tokens are distributed to all authors along the value chain, after all assets are purchased. Blockchain technology enables the creation of this value chain, ensuring that each contribution is transparent, traceable, and monetizable. Clients and other participants can file open calls, explaining to the community what digital assets they want to build and defining a descriptive visual workflow showing how assets should be structured, processed, and stored. All digital assets can be stored, transferred, and executed on a distributed Zenodys node network with a single click. Users can also use their own premises or other decentralized computing systems. Open source projects can use the same principles as described above - only without monetization. and executed on a distributed Zenodys node network with a single click. Users can also use their own premises or other decentralized computing systems. Open source projects can use the same principles as described above - only without monetization. and executed on a distributed Zenodys node network with a single click. Users can also use their own premises or other decentralized computing systems. Open source projects can use the same principles as described above - only without monetization. Users can also use their own premises or other decentralized computing systems. Open source projects can use the same principles as described above - only without monetization. Users can also use their own premises or other decentralized computing systems. Open source projects can use the same principles as described above - only without monetization.
which gets Non-programmers and programmers
- People and companies get tools to collect and monetize digital assets such as data, content, codes, etc.
- Non-programmers, business people, data scientists, and engineers get the opportunity to create apps and create an entirely new revenue stream.
- The Simple UI facilitates the visual development process and allows developers to transmit digital assets faster.
- Developers can advertise or monetize their specialty skills on a larger scale.
- Reuse blok visual sederhana meminimalkan kebutuhan untuk membangun dari awal dan memungkinkan pengembang untuk melipatgandakan penghasilan mereka. Perusahaan Aset dan ekosistem aset yang terintegrasi memberikan akses ke perusahaan yang lebih kecil untuk solusi dan teknologi kelas perusahaan yang saat ini disediakan untuk perusahaan terkaya.
- Perusahaan membayar lebih sedikit untuk perangkat lunak karena lingkungan terintegrasi yang lebih efisien, kurangnya perantara, dan efisiensi komputasi yang terdesentralisasi.
- Perusahaan membayar lebih sedikit karena mereka dapat menyesuaikan solusi akhir dengan kebutuhan dan proses bisnis mereka. Ini juga menurunkan biaya dukungan dan pemeliharaan. Komunitas
- Platform ini menyediakan interoperabilitas dan menyederhanakan pertukaran data untuk memastikan kabel visual sederhana antara perangkat, perangkat lunak, layanan, dan protokol blockchain.
- Orang-orang di seluruh dunia kini dapat berkolaborasi pada alat pengembangan yang sangat disederhanakan untuk membangun aset menjadi aset yang benar-benar baru di mana setiap orang dihargai.
- Platform ini memungkinkan orang untuk mulai mempelajari teknologi dan memberi mereka akses ke sumber daya digital yang tidak akan mereka miliki.
- Orang-orang dari negara berkembang dapat meningkatkan posisi ekonomi mereka yang bertujuan untuk menjual aset digital yang dapat mereka akses.
- Penyedia perangkat lunak yang menjual terlalu banyak atau mengunci kliennya
- Kode buruk dan solusi kualitas rendah
Digital assets provided by third parties are owned by authors (provider of digital assets, developers, data scientists, etc.) who will license it according to their own interests and strategies. The market will use smart blockchain contracts. These contracts are an agreement between the contractor, ensuring privacy and control of the data. Standard licenses will be available through the platform; however, users will be able to grant their own licenses. All licenses will be hashed and any changes in the license will be immediately visible to all participants of the transaction, giving them the option to agree or disagree with the changes.
Pasar Zenodys memiliki potensi besar, menggabungkan aset digital dan pasar pengembangan dengan data, AI, IoT dan pasar terkait lainnya. Setiap tahun jumlah data yang kami hasilkan menjadi dua kali lipat, dan data terkait produk dan layanan saat ini merupakan pasar multi-miliar yang sangat besar dengan angka pertumbuhan tahunan majemuk ganda (CAGR).
- Pasar layanan SaaS publik tumbuh 18% pada tahun 2017 menjadi total $ 246,8 miliar 3
- Perekonomian Data baru dapat bernilai $ 3,8 triliun pada tahun 2030, setara dengan 5,2% dari PDB global pada tahun 2016 atau 5% dari perputaran perdagangan saham global 4
- The Pasar IoT akan mencapai $ 11,1 triliun per tahun pada 2025 5
- Data besar dan analisis bisnis akan tumbuh dari $ 130,1 miliar pada 2016 menjadi $ 203 miliar pada 2020, pada CAGR 11,7% 6
- Pengeluaran total pada IoT dan layanan akan mencapai $ 2 triliun pada 2017 7
- Pasar kecerdasan buatan (AI) akan mencapai $ 19.478 juta pada 2022, tumbuh pada CAGR sebesar 45,4% dari 2016 hingga 2022 8 Dengan menggabungkan angka-angka ini, kami memproyeksikan Total yang Tersedia Pasar (TAM) sekitar $ 700 miliar. Dengan Projected Available Market (SAM) yang diproyeksikan sekitar $ 80 miliar, dan jika kita dapat mengatasi 0,7% dari pasar ini, Pasar Berkelanjutan yang Dapat Diservisikan (SOM) akan menjadi sekitar $ 560 juta. Kami berharap dengan pemasaran yang kuat kami dapat melayani sekitar $ 50 juta pada tahun pertama.
For platforms and markets to be successful, demand must be equal to supply, and vice versa. Our challenge is to get demand and supply to the self-regulating critical mass in the shortest possible time frame. With Minimal Viable Product (MVP) we plan to have a more focused approach, targeting certain niche that we know well and which already represent our client base. At first we will have a ready-made visual workflow that will be available for instant use and monetization. We already have various ready-made visual blocks available and we plan to expand this further. This will help supply the side by-side to fill the ecosystem with digital assets, such as data, content, code and more, in a fast and simple way. Users will be able to fill the platform with just a few clicks. We will pay much attention to forming partnerships with companies and public sector agencies, as well as new entrants such as IOTA data markets, Ocean Protocol, Origin Trail, and more. In the early stages, the potential for monetization is very important. So, the main focus is on providing the demand side for the market.
Pengguna awal akan mendapat kompensasi besar, dan karenanya termotivasi, untuk menjadi anggota aktif pasar. Kami berencana untuk menyiapkan sistem panggilan terbuka Zenodys untuk mengatasi tantangan langsung di dalam ekosistem Zenodys. Dengan panggilan terbuka kami berencana untuk memfasilitasi permintaan, pengguna onboard dan menghargai pengguna aktif yang akan dapat, melalui partisipasi langsung, untuk memiliki pengaruh pada bagaimana platform dikembangkan.
Strategi sisi permintaan untuk platform melibatkan memulai panggilan terbuka masyarakat dan perusahaan yang akan mengatasi masalah spesifik yang terkait dengan AI, energi cerdas dan Industri 4.0. Kami berencana untuk melayani klien melalui proses penjualan langsung, dimulai dengan basis klien kami sendiri. Komunitas akan membantu membangun bagian-bagian tertentu dari platform. Kami berharap mekanisme berbasis komunitas ini menjadi bagian penting dari strategi akuisisi pengguna. Sebagian dari dana yang diterima melalui penjualan Token akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan komunitas. Pada awalnya,. Kami berharap mekanisme berbasis komunitas ini menjadi bagian penting dari strategi akuisisi pengguna. Sebagian dari dana yang diterima melalui penjualan Token akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan komunitas. Pada awalnya,. Kami berharap mekanisme berbasis komunitas ini menjadi bagian penting dari strategi akuisisi pengguna. Sebagian dari dana yang diterima melalui penjualan Token akan digunakan untuk mengembangkan komunitas. Pada awalnya,.
Platform Zenodys dan semua komponen / modul terkait saat ini adalah milik sendiri; Namun, setelah penjualan Token kami berencana untuk mulai membuat platform terbuka bersumber pada Mei 2018. Karena kompleksitas teknologi inti, sumber terbuka produk akan berangsur-angsur. Kami berencana untuk memiliki seluruh produk sepenuhnya bersumber terbuka pada awal 2019. Bagian dari dana yang diterima selama penjualan Token akan langsung ditugaskan ke komunitas open source untuk memfasilitasi pengembangan inisiatif open source.
Struktur penjualan Token
Zenodys berencana untuk menjalankan penjualan Token Token CoinZZ-nya, mulai bulan Mei 2018. Token akan didistribusikan ke pemegang Token setelah penjualan Token berakhir
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut klik tautan di bawah ini:
Authors: YarisRiyadi1st
My Profile Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1756824;sa=summary
My ETH: 0x8B1820FB5829696cA5b595d09dF4e0F5757a97A7
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